be the change maker
Support Noble Causes Through Charanvandan
Your donation can help serve the needy, restore temples, and provide food and warmth to those in need. Choose a cause and contribute generously.
Annadan (Food Donation)
Help us serve meals to thousands of underprivileged people through the Annadan program. Your contribution ensures no one goes to bed hungry.
Kambal Daan (Blanket Donation)
Provide warmth and comfort to the poor during harsh winters. Your donation of blankets can save lives and bring relief to those in need.
Temple Renovation
Help preserve our cultural and spiritual heritage by contributing to the renovation of ancient temples. Your support will help protect these sacred spaces for future generations.
Why Donate Through Charanvandan?
Your donations directly reach the cause you support.
Offer Your Seva, Receive Divine Blessings
Service to humanity is service to God.”
At Charanvandan, your heartfelt contributions not only serve the needy but also bring you closer to the divine. By offering food, warmth, and supporting sacred spaces, you become a part of God’s will to uplift lives.